14,387 research outputs found

    Impact of physical layer impairments on SDM networks based on ROADM nodes

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    Current transport optical networks are approaching its capacity limits, mainly due to new applications and services that require a huge amount of resources. To increase the network capacity, multiband solutions, that exploit the unused capacity of actual fibers, in particular the L-band, are being currently commercially explored. However, this strategy is assumed as a short to medium term solution. A long-term solution is to use spatial-division multiplexing (SDM) in the optical domain, which leads to the concept of SDM-based optical networks. In this work, different SDM switching architectures (spatial, spatial-wavelength, wavelength, fractional space-full wavelength) are studied and compared in terms of cost per bit, power consumption and flexibility. For the switching architectures with spatial and spatial-wavelength granularities (the architectures that have superior performance), the most relevant physical impairments (PLIs) (amplifiers noise, non-linear interference, narrowing penalty due to filtering and in-band crosstalk) are analytically studied, for a SDM reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) cascade. Furthermore, a Monte Carlo simulation is used to assess more rigorously the PLIs effects on the performance of SDM ROADMs, with spatial-wavelength switching architecture, in cascade. The main difference, regarding PLIs, between the single spatial channel ROADM architecture and the SDM ROADM architectures is the enhanced effect of in-band crosstalk. For cascaded ROADMs with 16 directions, 19 spatial channels and filtering isolation of -25 dB, the in-band crosstalk can lead to a 2 dB optical signal-to-noise ratio penalty. Due to this penalty, the signal crosses less 9 ROADMs than in a single spatial channel ROADM architecture.As redes óticas de transporte atuais estão a aproximar-se do seu limite de capacidade devido às novas aplicações e serviços que requerem uma maior quantidade de recursos de rede. Uma possível solução de curto a médio prazo para a falta de recursos é o uso de múltiplas bandas da fibra, para além da banda C. Uma solução a longo prazo será o uso de multiplexagem com divisão no espaço (SDM) no domínio óptico. Neste trabalho são estudados, o custo por bit, consumo de energia e flexibilidade, das diferentes arquiteturas SDM (no espaço, no espaço e comprimento de onda, no comprimento de onda, fracionada no espaço e completa no comprimento de onda). Para as arquiteturas com granularidades no espaço e no espaço e comprimento de onda estuda-se analiticamente os efeitos das principais limitações do nível físico (PLIs) (ruído dos amplificadores, interferência não-linear, penalidade de filtragem e diafonia homódina), para cascatas de multiplexadores óticos de inserção/extração reconfiguráveis (ROADMs). Usa-se uma simulação Monte Carlo para calcular mais rigorosamente os efeitos das PLIs na arquitetura com granularidade no espaço e comprimento de onda. A principal diferença, em termos de PLIs, entre uma rede SDM e uma rede com um único canal espacial é o efeito da diafonia homódina. Para uma rede com 16 direções, 19 canais espaciais e isolamento dos filtros de -25 dB, a diafonia homódina causa uma penalidade na relação sinal-ruído óptica de 2 dB e o sinal atravessa menos 9 ROADMs que numa rede com apenas um canal espacial

    ‘Videogametism’: Consolidating the recognition of video games as an art form

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    Because video games are still considered ’low culture’ by many whilst being one of the most important art forms of the XXI century, this pa­per proposes a new concept for the field of game studies with the main goal of being a useful tool for the consolidation of the artistic recognition of the medium. A few countries have officially recognized video games as an art form and im­plemented legislation to support video game artists and their work; unfortunately, many gov­ernments still do not recognize this artistic field. For video games to achieve a widespread artistic legitimation it is necessary more critical thinking and institutional validation. The proposed neolo­gism – ‘videogametism’ – is an appropriation of the Eisensteinian concept of ‘cinematism’ and, as Sergei Eisenstein’s legitimation term, ‘videog­ametism’ intends to support the recognition of video game artistic status, asserting that all art forms are present in this medium and that some artistic artifacts are ‘videogamatic’

    La Educación Andragógica en Mozambique desde la perspectiva de la Geografía fenomenológica

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    The experience of being part of a multidisciplinary team on an expedition to Mozambique to train an operational group of a multinational company allowed all those involved to experience the practical knowledge related to the risk perception in work activities. The team adopted the andragogic educational methodology, whose pillars are need, self-concept and previous experience of the learner; readiness and motivation to learn. From the phenomenological perspective in Geography, the phenomenon was observed during the work routine of the group, seeking the comprehension of the individuals about themselves and about their relationship with the imminent risks. The adopted methodological approach allowed the development of preventive experiences in the work environment and contributed to the reduction of accidents and the increase of safety in the work environment. Keywords: Geography; Phenomenology; Education; Andragogy.La experiencia de formar parte de un equipo multidisciplinario en expedición a Mozambique para entrenamiento de un grupo operativo de una multinacional permitió vivenciar los conocimientos prácticos relativos a la percepción de riesgo en sus actividades laborales. La metodología adoptada partió de la ciencia educacional andragógica, cuyos pilares son: necesidad, autoconcepto y experiencia anterior del aprendiz; disposición y motivación para aprender. Por la perspectiva fenomenológica en Geografía, se observó el fenómeno durante la rutina de trabajo del grupo, buscando la comprensión de los sujetos sobre si mismos y su relación con los riesgos eminentes. El enfoque metodológico adoptado permitió cultivar vivencias preventivas en el ambiente de trabajo y también contribuyó para la reducción de accidentes y el aumento de la seguridad en el ambiente laboral. Palabras clave: Geografía; Fenomenología; Educación; Andragogía.A experiência de fazer parte de uma equipe multidisciplinar em expedição a Moçambique para treinamento de um grupo operacional de uma multinacional permitiu vivenciar os conhecimentos práticos relativos à percepção de risco nas suas atividades laborais. A metodologia adotada partiu da ciência educacional andragógica, cujos pilares são: necessidade, autoconceito e experiência anterior do aprendiz; prontidão e motivação para aprender. Pela perspectiva fenomenológica em Geografia, observou-se o fenômeno durante a rotina de trabalho do grupo, buscando a compreensão dos sujeitos sobre si e sua relação com os riscos eminentes. A abordagem metodológica adotada permitiu cultivar vivências preventivas no ambiente de trabalho e ainda contribuiu para a redução de acidentes e o aumento da segurança no ambiente laboral. Palavras-chave: Geografia; Fenomenologia; Educação; Andragogia

    Transparency of Government and War Against Corruption

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    [extract] The transparency of government activities is one of the most effective tools in preventing and combating corruption. Various events in different parts of the globe, indicate the need for effective measures in order to control and make transparent the services provided by the Government. Some places, like Italy, for example, had the best success in the fight against corruption, using legal measures. In Brazil, due to its lack of transparency, by means of various clandestine relations between governmental and private institutions, generated several illicit activities and a corrupt system that never had seen before. Therefore, it is clear that the actions of all sectors of the Government must be more transparent and visible, not only to satisfy the population, but also to prevent malfeasance and reprehensible conducts